Welcome to Bond's the Word!

Sean Connery is about to shoot you.
What is this page about?
This blog is a simple proof of concept I've put together as a web design student to share some of my thoughts on the James Bond film series.
What is there to say about the man other than he's pure escapist fun? He drives fast cars, jets around the world, gets to play with fancy gadgets, fires more than his fair share of guns, knows every piece of trivia imaginable, has a quick wit, can have any woman he wants (well, almost), and he's nigh-immune to the consequences of his actions. He's what every boy and man alike wants to be.
Except me, apparently. The suave superspy didn't really catch my attention seriously until a few years ago. Despite growing up with the franchise (my first viewing experience being GoldenEye in 1995), despite being an action-loving kid the whole time, I just didn't find as much appeal in the character as many did. To me it was all Pokemon, Dragonball Z and Sonic the Hedgehog. A week in highschool and Mr Bond was all but forgotten. Even with the series' (second) revival with 2006's Casino Royale, it wasn't much more than a blip on my radar.
Then something wonderful happened. I discovered a YouTube channel dedicated to the James Bond franchise by the name of Calvin Dyson, and with that discovery a new fan was born.